What Sets Elaine Apart

Unparalleled Experience and Results

The realities of the complex executive job market can make navigating the complicated waters of career moves and performance issues daunting. You don’t have to go it alone. Elaine will guide you every step of the way – from assessing priorities, creating innovative job strategies, and helping with the onramping of a new position. She specializes in helping leaders and emerging leaders in their important transitions. This could be assessing that next career move, identifying Board opportunities, or working on performance and management issues.

What sets Elaine apart is her broad-based experience working in and for domestic and international companies in the private and public sectors. Elaine is highly analytical, intuitive and adaptive with practical experience in talent acquisition, and HR management development. Her enthusiasm and commitment to her profession keeps her in stride with the recent developments in her industry and yours.

Some of her unique experience includes: managing an MIT think tank that examined the effects of the computer on learning development, providing academic advising and overseeing student activities at the Harvard Business School’s MBA program, and directing Recruitment and Training for the US Peace Corps in Washington, D.C.

Prior to founding her current coaching firm, she served as Director of Global Recruitment, Strategic Services for Anderson Consulting (Accenture) and worked in various HR positions at Swiss Bank Corporation (UBS), McKinsey & Co., and Morgan Stanley. Elaine earned a BA in languages and literature from Boston University and a Masters in Arts and Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Elaine is based in New York City.

Elaine can be retained either individually or by your company or organization.